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Written By Molly Nevins, Fitness Director 

Suddenly it is March, one month until Spring Break! Don’t stress, here are some tips on how to best utilize your 30 days to get in shape.


A great way to maximize the time you have is with HIIT workouts. There is a reason HIIT is hot, it is time efficient and calorie torching. You also want to be sure to incorporate some strength training, which is what will give you the definition you’re undoubtedly looking for. Luckily there is a way to mix the two! Here is an example of a simple HIIT workout you can do with just a set of dumbbells:


Perform each move for a minute with little to no rest in between. 2x through is a 20 minute workout, 3x will be 30. Take a minute or two in between rounds to catch your breath and grab a drink. 


1.       Straight Leg Deadlift to Upright Row

2.       High Knees (running or marching)

3.       Walking Lunges (holding dumbbells, focus on getting to 90 degrees)

4.       Mountain Climbers

5.       Overhead Presses in a Wall-Sit

6.       Stairs

7.       Push-ups (added challenge - lift a leg as you do your push-up, alternate legs)

8.       Squat Jumps (or just squats)

9.       Ab Bicycles

10.   Plank

In order to get fit, you can’t outrun your diet! Just as it is important to increase your exercise, you have to be mindful of your food. The recipe for success is avoiding diets that require too much deprivation. Eating only lettuce for 30 days might not be something that you can maintain, at least not while keeping your sanity! A few little changes can go a long way. Try taking steps like reducing sugar intake, increasing your fruits and vegetables and limiting fried or greasy foods. An easy swap would be to substitute a smoothie (protein shake, fruit and veggie smoothie or a juice) for one of your meals each day. Don’t forget to hydrate as well. This can help reduce unnecessary snacking, make your skin glow, and keep your body performing at its best.


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